As I write we are on the eve of a full moon, when the moon is completely illuminated by the sun’s rays and the Earth is directly between the sun and the moon. Surely, there is nothing more glorious and beautiful as a full moon lighting up the night sky? It is totally captivating and can hold such meaning to those who gaze upon it. But have you ever wondered how taking note of the lunar cycle and harnessing different energy levels as the moon passes through its various phases, can help you practice self care and encourage you to take opportunities? I want to explore this natural phenomenon further in 2021 in my creative business and see where it takes me.
The full moon phase is as you would expect a time to celebrate as the threads of your intention, focus and energy over the past few weeks (since the new moon) reach culmination. It is a powerful and intense moment and a time to act, gather and toast. Some use moon rituals to recognise these moments. For example, they collect together memories in the form of photos, found objects and meaningful totems and place them with intention in a prominent place. Some light candles in honour of the moment. It is also a time to take note of progress and express joy and gratitude. All of these rituals struck me as key ingredients for that hygge feeling. So I wonder whether paying attention to the phases of the moon and focusing my energy will prove enlightening? It may help find a rhythm creatively, personally and in my business.
After the full moon, comes the waning moon as it slowly decreases illumination. This is a time for reflection, purge and decluttering. It is perfect for letting things go that no longer serve you. Slowly, but surely, comes the new moon, a dark moon. A quiet time and moment to refresh and set new intentions or start a new project. Similar to a full moon this is a great time to light a candle and commit to a new project. Then as time passes and the waxing moon grows and illumination increases, it brings more focus and energy for the job in hand until the cycle is complete and a full moon occurs again. I received this beautiful card designed by Lizzie Spikes for Driftwood Designs, printed in Wales. It shows all the dates and names for the full moons in 2021 inspired by the seasons and natural world. I am really looking forward to where this takes me.
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considered Art & INTERIOR Design for Beautiful Spaces
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